Engineers and Scientists of Alsace – ARISAL


Back-end dev, Freelance, Front-end dev, Strategy, Wordpress

Key Information

A digital open platform publishing regional scientific news

ARISAL, regional representative of Engineers and scientists of France (IESF) has a large network of active regional partners as well as a strong community of members.

In this project their goal was to unite the scientific community through a web site that publishes the most important news from the fields of engineering and science in Alsace.

The site is designed to allow the easy and quick publishing of regional scientific news (discoveries, technological innovations, publications, debates, conferences, visits…), in order to reach the scientific and engieering community in Alsace and communicate about topics and major innovative advances that may interest them.

To achieve this goal, together with ARISAL’s management board, I defined an acquisition and retention strategy including an SEO plan and a Community Management strategy.

Once this strategy was set, with some help from the MKH SEO Agency and the graphic skills of Sophie Shand I took care of creating the site using the CMS WordPress, chosen for its ease of use and administration. I personally took care of the front and back-end développement on the project, and I was also at the center of the team and directly in contact with the client as Project Manager.

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